The merging of evidence-based interventions with supported employment programs are being increasingly studied, with encouraging results. The current study is aimed at determining the impact of a brief cognitive behaviour therapy group intervention adapted for supported employment programs (called CBT-SE) on the work outcomes of: obtaining a competitive job, number of weeks worked, and number of hours worked per week. Participants were randomized to either receive the 8-session CBT-SE group on top of their supported employment program, or to only receive their support employment program. The results show that those who received CBT-SE were significantly more likely to obtain a job (75% vs 58%), and worked a significantly greater number of hours (24 vs 18 hours per week). No differences were found in terms of number of weeks worked. Those in the CBT-SE condition also experienced a significant decrease in their negative symptoms over time, compared to the control condition. Although replication is needed, these results suggest that a brief cognitive-behavioural intervention specifically tailored to work-related issues can be greatly beneficial.
Keywords: Cognitive-behavior therapy; Randomized controlled trial; Severe mental illness; Supported employment; Work.