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Les inscriptions pour le colloque 2021 santé mentale et travail sont ouvertes!
Regards croisés sur la santé mentale et le retour au travail
Colloque francophone international
Les inscriptions pour le colloque 2021 santé mentale et travail sont ouvertes!
Suijkerbuijk, Y-B., Schaafsma., F-G, van Mechelen, J., Ojajärvi, A., Corbière, M., Anema, J-R. (2017). Interventions for obtaining and maintaining employment in adults with severe mental illness, a network meta-analysis (review). Cochrane Review. Background People with severe mental illness show high rates of unemployment and work disability, however, they often have a desire to participate in …
Corbière, M., Mazaniello-Chézol, M., Bastien, M-F., Wathieu, E., Bouchard, R., Panaccio, A., Guay, S., Lecomte, T. (2020). Stakeholders’ role and actions in the return-to-work process of employees on sick-leave due to common mental disorders: A scoping review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 30, 381-419. doi.org/10.1007/s10926-019-09861-2 30 Abstract The lack of knowledge regarding the roles and actions …
Corbière, M., Bergeron, G., Negrini A., Coutu, M-F., Samson, E. Sauvé, G., Lecomte T. (2018). Employee perceptions about factors influencing their return to work after a sick leave due to depression. Journal of Rehabilitation, 84(3), 3-13.
De Pierrefeu, I., Corbière, M., Pachoud, B. (2017). Vocational Counselors in France: Comparison to competencies of employment specialists working in Canadian IPS programs. Community Mental Health Journal, 53(7), 871-877. doi.org/10.1007/s10597-017-0109-8 Abstract Supported employment programs are evidence-based practices to help people with severe mental illness to obtain competitive employment. The competencies of employment specialists working in …
Negrini A., Dubé, J., Hupé, J., Gragnano, A., Corbière M. (2018). Étude qualitative sur les facteurs qui contribuent à la décision d’un groupe de travailleurs seniors de se maintenir en emploi dans le secteur de l’éducation au Québec. Humain et Organisation, 4(1), 1-14.
Coutu, M-F., Légaré, F., Durand, M-J., Stacey, D., Labrecque, M-E., Corbière, M., Bainbridge, L. (2019). Acceptability and Feasibility of a Shared Decision Making Model in Work Rehabilitation: A mixed methods study of Stakeholders’ perspectives. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 29(1), 128-139. doi.org/10.1007/s10926-018-9770-1 Abstract Purpose To establish the acceptability and feasibility of implementing a shared decision-making (SDM) …
Sultan-Taïeb, H., Villotti, P., Berbiche, D., Dewa, C., Desjardins, É., Fraccaroli, F., Zaniboni, S., Mazaniello, M., Durand, M-J., Lecomte, T., Durand, M-J., Corbière, M. (2019). Can social firms contribute to alleviate the economic burden of severe mental illness for the public healthcare system? Health and Social Care in the Community. 27, 1311-1320. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.12775 Abstract …
Corbière M., Zaniboni, S., Dewa, C., Villotti P., Lecomte T., Sultan-Taïeb H., Hupé, J., Fraccaroli F. (2019). Work productivity of people with a psychiatric disability working in social firms. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, & Rehabilitation, 62(1), 151-160. Abstract Background: Several factors impact work productivity in employees with a psychiatric condition. Objective: In the context of …
Bastien M-F., Corbière M. (2019). Return-to-work following depression: what work accommodations do employers and human resources directors put in place? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 29(2), 423-432. doi.org/10.1007/s10926-018-9801-y Abstract The magnitude of economic and social costs related to common mental disorders has a profound impact on the workplace. Returning to work following depression is, therefore, a …